We all deserve and need a few treats every once in a while, it's drawing the line which is the tough part! A lot of Slimming Worlders have 'treat days' or often go for treats after weigh in; I used to do the same but it massively impacted my weight loss.
I still have treats most days (in my syn allowance) and extras on weekends, for the past two weeks I've been out for cocktails and had takeout and even had a weekend away and lost a few lb both weeks!
It's not impossible to have a good time AND lose weight!
You just have to plan around it and make a conscious effort to not be as naughty as you feel you want to be. I keep my syns lower if I know I'm going out and try not to eat much once I am. My biggest downfall would be after a few drinks I'd scoff mini cheddars (my go-to tipsy snack) and Maltesers, more crisps, chocolate and whatever I fancied but since really pushing my weight loss I keep snacks to a minimum and just enjoy a few drinks as they are.
I've also switched up what I drink, usually it's wine or sugary fruit ciders but recently spirits have been a life saver. I'm not a massive fan of Coke, I just don't like the taste, but if I fancy something a bit different I may go for a Malibu and diet coke. Usually I'll go for a vodka, soda, lime; they're super refreshing and relatively low calorie - as much as vodka can be.
When I eat out I try to keep on plan as much as I can but I don't stress about it. If I deprive myself too much it always ends up in me binge eating to make up for it. I'll try to have side salads with most meals and choose brown bread, generally healthier options and always drink water. Staying hydrated is essential to weight loss and general well being. For breakfasts fruit is always a good option for me as I love fruit, I can eat 4 bananas a day and still want more. Takeout wise, Chinese is my favourite and there are relatively low syn options available, don't forget you can always ask for no oil etc!
Try not to let your hangover control you! This is essential if you're going to stick to plan because one bad day you can get over, two bad days makes is 100% harder! Wake up and make yourself a monster breakfast and go back to sleep (my hangover cure) and stick to simple, big, healthy meals to keep you alive til the following day. It will feel like torture but you'll thank yourself for it! And drink LOTS of water, more than you can fit in your body!
A grand example would be my birthday weekend, I lost 1.5lb! I planned every single meal and prepared it in advance to ensure I'd be eating the right stuff. I enjoyed some cocktails and some meals out but when I wasn't celebrating I was eating CLEAN... and down to preparation!
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