The rules of the Sunshine Award are:
Include a picture of the Sunshine Award logo in the post and incorporate it into your blog somewhere too.
Mention the person who nominated you and link the post back to them.
Write 11 facts about yourself.
Answer the 11 questions the person who nominated you set for you.
Nominate 11 other bloggers.
Write 11 questions for them to answer.
Emma nominated me for this award, she is my absolute number one.
Check out her blog (I'm on there too hehe)
11 facts about me:
1. I don't make a great first impression. People like to ease themselves into other people's lives and get gradually crazier but I just jump straight into the deep end. I think this is why I'm like Marmite (you either love me or hate me, I'm not brown and sticky but I am delliiiicccioous)
2. I'm really into Breaking Bad at the minute, I'm on the last season and I'm kind of dragging it out to make it last longer but it's intensssseee! Highly recommendable!
3. Dreaming is one of my favourite past times. I love sleep but only to dream, they're usually good and I often dream about people I know which is good. Last night I dreamt that Walt (From Breaking Bad) drew red lines over my body and told me to cut along them so I'd bleed to death - they're not all pleasant.
4. My spelling is getting worse. I don't even know if that's a thing or not but I used to be really good at spelling but I'm finding it harder and harder it's kinda worrying.
5. I'M 18 IN 4 DAYS. I'm a bit excited to say the least but then I'm also shitting myself because it means my next birthday I'll be 19 and I know there's still another year to go but I'M NOT READY FOR THIS. Also my bestie and boyfriend aren't both 18 until APRIL which kinda sucks but I'll deal with it.
6. I'm an open book, ask me anything and I'll tell you (98% of the time) or talk to me about anything and it's cool.
7. I'm great in awkward situations, maybe it's because I don't give much of a shit about anything that awkward situations don't really have an effect on me or maybe people feel comfortable around me because I don't judge or whatever I don't really know.
8. I have no real life ambitions, as long as I'm alive, (relatively) healthy, happy and have enough money to get me by I'm be quite content. This may not be a bad thing, it's not going to head me anywhere fantastic but I'm just playing life by ear and hoping for the best.
9. I've recently started listening to music more and I CAN'T STOP. My favourite playlist at the moment is on YouTube if you go on Stacy's Mom and then it's like at the side, does that make any sense?
10. I've just realised that I've not sworn in this blog post yet, unless I did it without realising that is, what? Haha anyway I love swearing and I swear a fucking lot. (usually)
11. I love spooning, I spoon my dog (Amber, she's adorable) and anyone else who will let me... joking. Haha I just think it's cute and intimate and nice and stuff... Emzie I'm looking at you.
Questions Emma asked me:
1. Favourite Youtuber?
I don't really watch YouTube videos but I'd have to say Tyler Oakley or Zoella
2. Favourite Radio Station?
Gem I think it is where they play an old song followed by a new song because me and mum listen to it in the car and it's like a constant jam sesh, I love my mum.
3. Spring,Summer,Autumn or Winter?
WINTER, fucking snow and Christmas and big coats and shit. Summer's sweaty and stuff spring's alright but just cold. I do like Autumn it's the leaves I love.
4. Favourite Nail Varnish brand?
Barry M I think purely for their variety and they're constantly bringing out new ones and they're reasonably priced.
5. What 5 things do you always have in your bag?
Phone (pocket really but okay), purse, keys, chewing gum, tampons.
6. Bracelet, Earrings, Rings or Necklace? Why?
I want to say necklace but I'm gonna go with bracelet because I'm getting a Pandora for my birthday so it just makes sense.
7. Pro's and Con's of blogging?
Pros: It's fun and you can get stuff off your chest, when people read it it makes you feel like a celebrity hahaha!
Cons: It requires lots of commitment and if you take photos for it it can be time consuming (hence why I don't haha)
8. Do you have a job? If so what is it?
I work at Heath's Farm Shop (a family business) just in the shop, serving customers, stocking produce, mopping, dusting.
I also potwash at a restaurant which I like because the people are great to work with but it doesn't half fuck your hand up.
9. Opinion on Tattoo's?
LOVE LOVE LOVE, as long as they're not tacky or cliché I guess haha I think everyone should get one.
10. Window shopping or Online browsing?
Window shopping because although I love both I get bored more easily online and going into shops and feeling fabrics etc is just more exciting.
11. Favourite TV Show?
BREAKING BAD (for now) some others I love are The Big Bang Theory, HIMYM, Ugly Betty, Great British Bake Off.. okay I love all TV.
I kind of feel like I'm cheating but I don't even know 11 blogs to nominate so If you want to be nominated... comment or something? :D Sunshine to you all!
I will still propose 11 questions you may wish to consider:
1. What motivates you?
2. Do you like Marmite?
3. Have you heard of a Fluffernutter? If yes, what do you think? If no, where have you been?
3. What do you never leave the house without?
4. Have you ever spent literally a whole day in pyjamas (sleep to sleep)?
5. Are you scared to make the first move?
6. What's your biggest fear?
7. What makes you the happiest?
8. What's your guilty pleasure?
9. What's your favourite pizza topping?
10. If you could invent anything, no limits, what would it be?
11. What song could you listen to 1000 times without getting bored?