Sorry it's been a mighty three weeks since my last blog post! I'd like to say I've had no spare time but I've had plenty but have chosen to spend it with people I love instead. There's not much I've wanted to blog about recently but there is one thing I have noticed.
I've been really really happy for the past few months (more than usual - which is a lot!) and everything seems to be perfect. I'll admit I've had a few concerns about the near future since nobody believes things can usually go this well for anybody. But after worrying myself about the possibilities of what may happen I realised that everything NOW is amazing and why should I worry myself over hypothetical issues when I can just be enjoying every second and appreciating what I have?
So that's what I'm doing, spending more and more time with the people I care about because it makes me happier than ever and I wouldn't change a single person in my life for the world.